Saturday, March 8, 2008

Finally, a lazy day!

Hallelujah! This is my first Saturday since early January to stay in my pajamas past noon and I am LOVING it! Our last Upwards Basketball game was last Saturday, and while it was such a fun season, I really was happy to still be lounging lazily in bed this morning at 8 a.m. Eight weeks of 8 a.m. game can really wear on a momma . . . .

We are COLD today, so I have stayed in my purple microfleece jammies (that once belong to my Granny B) and pink fuzzy slippers all day long. I've been so productive! I've cleaned off two photo cards, eaten some Girl Scout cookies, cleaned out three magazine holders/racks that have been growing since Christmas, and. .. not much else. So nice.

Wait! I forgot! I ordered some more skin products on line from How lucky am I? They are discontinuing (I think--it's not written anywhere, but . . .I'm using my immense deductive reasoning skills here) my line of product--sleeping peel--, so everything from the cleanser to the eye cream to the serum to all the other stuff is half off--so, with that marvelous deal, I, of course, bought double! Goodness, I just love bargains.

Saw Penelope last night. It was cute--but not nearly as darling as Ella. I had read in People (I think??) that it was a great message for young girls and great for little ones--I'm glad I didn't take my bitty girl and little boy to see it--he would have been bored to tears and she would have been begging to go home. Maybe when she's older . . . but they do LOVE Ella Enchanted. Of course, I love Ella, too.

Our Fannie May Easter candy came in this week--YUM! If you have never had Fannie May Pectin Jelly Bird Eggs, you have not lived. Their website is: Go there, order the eggs (jelly beans), and if they are not the best you have ever tasted, send them to me! I'll finish the bag off for you! My poor babies growing up in Lufkin are deprived of some of my favorite Chicago things, so at Easter time, I just bring the goods to them, via East Bunny.

We had two other thrilling news items of the week. First of all, our new puppy has finally arrived in this world! We lost our Belle last October due to our neighbor running over her, and we've been waiting for a new baby since. Belle's momma, Sissy, gave birth to three stillborn boys two weeks ago and I was totally devastated. BUT, Lizzie gave birth to a boy and a girl on Leap Year. How cute is our little Izzy (in a rat-like way)?? We can't wait to bring her home in seven weeks, when she's eight weeks old. And if you are looking for a good, sweet, loving, Christian breeder, I can't recommend Eileen Moore more highly. Her website is and she is happy to give any tips, advice, etc. about Bichons. Our Belle potty trained quickly, slept and traveled beautifully, and was a little stinker, but we did love her. We are ready to bring Izzy home and have a new baby to love and hold and train.

The final exciting news for the week is my little man won the boat races at school! Out of 52 kiddos competing, his pitiful, homegrown boat was the winner. I must admit I felt like a total schmukko of a mom when I dropped him off to school because his "boat" was a large plastic Q-Tip box with the flap that you pull up to access the Q-Tips pulled back into a sail. It took us less than five minutes to create the "sail" with dental floss. The rules for the boat was that it needed to be "made out of trash" according to my son (recyclable materials was the teachers' wording). Another mother from his school was bragging the night before the races that her son and their family spent two hours creating his boat . . .so, of course, I thought--"World's Worst Mom Am I!" But, guess which boat won? The five minute beauty--we were just thrilled!

The competition was quite exciting with eliminations in each class, and then the top three contenders competing. Hearing a group of kindergarteners chanting your child's name is a pretty cool thing, I have to admit. Such a great confidence builder for him. Here's a picture of the top three entries prior to the final round of competition.

And here's a picture of the final race--look at those cheeks and that determination! Happy Spring Break!