Friday, May 23, 2008


Has it really been so long between posts? AGGGHHH!! Sorry to have been away for so long. We are having some fun in survival mode until the end of school. Four more school days after today and we are officially off for summer! Imagine it . . . an entire summer to . . . go to VBS, Zoo Camp, Art Camp, Kids College, Golf, Tennis and Swim Camp. . .wait a minute--is it really summer? I got a call last night from a friend of mine who works full time. She wanted for us to synchronize our children's schedules for the summer so we could trade off driving to and from events. After reminding her three. . no, four. . . times that I don't work full time, I finally convinced her that my little one was going to have a few days that he didn't HAVE to be somehwere--but just a few.

Tonight is our last t-ball game--woo hoo! We are ready to celebrate the end of the Cubs season and possibly the end of our ball career (keeping fingers crossed) . . .

Registration materials are out for Art Camp at the Museum, which is a really good thing. Now we just need 400 or so babies to come and fill the slots and we'll be good to go.

Encountered a "Hmmmmm" situation yesterday. Our cleaning lady, who is always reliable, didn't show up on Wednesday, which was alarming. We planned to entertain this Sunday night, of course. . . .SO, I asked my mom if we could borrow her cleaning peeps on Thursday. They came to our house (two of them) and--Kevin and I seriously think they summoned the fairies to come in. Our house is cleaner than it has been since we moved in--they even organized DRAWERS, people! I don't know how they accomplished so very much in six short hours, but I am blown away. So now, we love the way they clean. We love the way Old Faithful irons. What to do?? What to do??

The puppy is officially a part of the family. She is just precious and such fun. The kids adore her, of course. And we also got through rodeo! Here are a few pictures of the little ones in their gear--they had a blast! I'll be better about writing--promise!

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