Sunday, December 9, 2007

Annual Santa's Brunch

So we attended the Annual Santa Brunch today at the club, as we do every December. It's a fabulous tradition that enables us to traumatize our little ones as much as possible. One of my favorite pictures EVER is from the Santa Brunch two years ago--I've included it below for your pleasure. There's our son, cool as a cucumber, going over his long list of wants. . . and then there's our daughter. . .ah, the beauty of being almost one . . . .

Here's the thing that makes me feel old and a little bit sad. . . today, there were NO tears! She did her cute little hide from Santa thing at the beginning of the brunch and I thought we'd be ensured of a fabulous show, but NO--the little doll ended up warming up to Santa (who had red makeup all over his cheeks and nose) and even hugged him goodbye at the end of our meal! I've included a picture of the event below, just so I can prove it to the world--we are growing up!

Of course, the reason she warmed up to Santa was to let him know what SHE wants this year--one thing and one thing only: a puppy. Which is, quite sadly, NOT going to happen. We keep trying to explain to her that it's not going to happen until the spring because God hasn't MADE any puppies for our family for Christmas, but she's bound and determined that if she tells everyone she sees about her desire, someone will guilt mom and dad into biting the bullet and getting a puppy at the most inopportune time of the year. Of course, she then has the share the story about our last puppy: "I really really miss my Belle Belle--she was hit by a car and now she's in Keaven." It's enough to make your heart break . . . IF you didn't know how totally destructive and insane this Belle was. . . but I digress.

So, we're going to put this one in the books: our first tear-free Santa Brunch in six years--it's hard to believe.

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