Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Old Friends are the Best Friends

I just spent a delightful evening with a precious friend of mine that I have, sadly, lost touch with over the past several months. I had forgotten just how much I enjoy being with her and how much fun we have together. We bonded when our sons were under two (okay, just barely under two) and we were both going insane with our strong willed boys. We were shocked and delighted to learn that we were neighbors the first time we met--crazy that such a wonderful person was less than two blocks away, yet I had never seen her. We've shared many a glass of wine, many a walk with our boys in strollers (to avoid alcohol and chocolate consumption at 9 in the morning) and many a story through the years, but have both gotten so caught up in our separate spheres that it's been a while since we've been in touch.

She called earlier today to ask if we could carpool to a Junior League social tonight (which was such fun, by the way) and then afterwards, we went to a restaurant and each had a yummy Grey Goose Appletini. I have GOT to do a better job of being a friend to my friends! I get so caught up in the family and everyday craziness that I forget to take time to spend with people I so enjoy and miss. Thanks for a super fun night, Steph! I have MISSED you and we have to do this again SOON!

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