A local gym in town is offering water aerobics classes at a pool that is, oh, roughly four blocks from my house or so. So I went to the demo class on Saturday. It was wonderful! I was sore all over, yet managed to never sweat (maybe being in water up to my chin and blowing bubbles during many of the moves helped with that). At the end of the "demo class," I eagerly signed up for class Tuesday-Friday (it's not offered any other days).
I had to work on Tuesday, so I missed my first official day of class. I woke up all gung-ho yesterday morning, eager to go and get a great workout. I get to the pool, and . . . well, it was a scene similar to the one above, except these ladies look more active than we ever did. Our instructor is a girl who used to be an accountant for my husband's office and has had no training in fitness instruction at all, except that she's now an accountant for this gym's office. Ummmm . . .don't think I'll be doing the Wednesday-Friday class after all. I am going to try the class today and see if there's a different clientele (I've been promised it's a different instructor).
Then I guess I'm going to call the gym and sign up for their booty-kicking, fat-burning, sweat-inducing Fitness Fusion classes at 9:15 MWF. What's another hour out of my day?? Wait a minute--I hate sweating! And I'm going to sweat! Oh, sigh . . . guess I'll go eat some leftover birthday cake while I ponder this through . . . .
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