Saturday, July 5, 2008


First of all, my precious little baby sister is ENGAGED! She called last night while we were driving home from Shakerag, Texas (outside of Henderson, in case anyone's interested) and told us the amazing news. We are so thrilled that John FINALLY proposed (they've been dating over two years) and he gave her the most amazing ring ever. She texted me a picture of it. Have I mentioned lately just how much I LOVE technology?? Less than 12 hours after his proposal in Columbus, Ohio (okay--actually New Albany), I'm seeing her ring! I just wish I could see her to hug her and give her loves. . . and him, too. He's a great guy and the whole family has fallen in love with him over the years. He's definitely a keeper, and I'm over the moon excited that he'll be a part of our family (and that he knows what he's getting into!). Woo!

We spent almost all day yesterday at the Broken A Ranch in Shakerag, Texas, where our friends have their farmhouse. We had a ball and I can't remember the last time I was as filthy as I was when we returned home. Baby girl rode a little horse
they saw baby pigs (so cute!) they selected eggs and put them in a styrofoam container tasted milk straight from a cow (although, admittedly, it was in a 35 degree cooling vat) rode around on Rangers and 4-wheelers (doesn't this look so safe??)
and basically had the best Fourth of July EVER! The kids were asleep within a mile from our departure and they are still sleeping (praise God!), so they don't know about Aunt Ashley yet--they'll be so thrilled.

Summer has been FAST and furious! Oh course, the fact that my poor baby boy has been signed up for something every single week has increased the passage of time immensely. He's been in Vacation Bible School, Art Camp, Zoo Safari Camp (with three other boys and sixteen little girls--how bout that ratio??), taken classes at Angelina College (Power Point and Ooey Gooey Science) and come down with strep and the summer isn't even half-way over! This week he'll participate in a Golf, Tennis, Swim, and Etiquette (can you believe??) camp, then more Art Camp and another class at Angelina College. He is totally into college and thinks it's the best thing ever, which is the best thing ever for me as a parent.

As we were driving to AC for his first class, he said, "Mom, I'm a little bit nervous." "About what?" "Well, I am a little young for college, and what if everyone is much, much older than me?" So precious--of course, he had nothing to worry about, as this is part of the community service program and the oldest children allowed in his age group would be nine. There were only two children in the Power Point class and he had such a great time and learned so much--it was a great experience. Of course, he missed the last week of Ooey Gooey Science, thanks to strep, but he loved his first week!

Oh, he also celebrated his birthday with a pirate party--it was such fun. Here are some pictures of our pool-side pirate party. The tables were covered with black tableclothes, vases painted by my precious babies, sand, beads, coins and shells--of course, we had to have balloons, too!
The kiddos each got an inflatable sword (hanging outside fence), beads, coins, eye patches, hats, and a goody bag. Food was kept simple and easy with just snacks and nuts and fruit snacks and cake--lots of drinks, too!

The cake was exactly was he asked for--he was SO excited about it! Here is the birthday boy with mommy and daddy--can't believe he's getting so big!

I have blabbered on far too long . . . so let me add this final statement. Remember that butt-kicking, totally intensive exercise class I was going to sign up for? Haven't. didn't. Haven't exercised since April now . . . (except for two water aerobics classes). However, now that there's a wedding in the near future, I'm going to get serious. Really. Also, cleaned out some toys and such from upstairs, where the kiddos live, and donated six large trash bags to Salvation Army--need to do it again this week to really clear out all we don't want--crazy excess!

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