Friday, November 21, 2008

A night alone . . .

Has it really been almost four months since an update? Seriously?? Where have I been?

1. Dealing with an addiction to Facebook. I think I'm in the rehab phase as I can now go for a couple of days without a hit. For a while there, it was touch and go. I was spending FAR too much time catching up with people I haven't talked to in, oh, anywhere from 14 to 18 years. What a trip and a delight to find out about the people they are becoming. I think that's why I was so unfaithful to the blog, but it also could have been . . .

2. At Synergy Fitness Boot Camp from 5:30-6:15 Monday -Friday. Today ended week six. I ran two miles this morning in 44 degree weather. Because I chose to do it. Because I was expected to do it. Because I've never done it before in my life. Because I had an I-Pod attached to my arm. Because I need to get in shape. We are running a 5K two Fridays from today. And you know what, for the first time in my life, I think I might actually be able to do it. Is that crazy? For the past six weeks, I have been writing down everything that goes into my mouth, how many calories it contains, how many carbs it contains, how much protein it contains, and how much fat it contains. Then, at the end of the day, I calculate the totals. I am also recording my heart rate, time spent exercising, time in zone, and calories burned EVERY DAY, my friends. Has it made me think before I put something in my mouth? Oh yea . . .

Although I haven't lost but one pound, as of last Friday, I had lost 1.6 points of body fat, which is a much needed thing. In January, I'm signing up for the 6:15-7:00 a.m. Boot Camp because, quite frankly, I am losing my mind running on no sleep. I cannot make myself wind down before 10 on any given night and I have to get up at 4:55 to get dressed, fed and to the Red Barn by 5:30. The other benefit to the 6:15 class? No nutritional journal. PRAISE GOD! And Fridays off, too. Although I'm still going to run on Fridays and go to Spin on Saturdays because it's become a habit and it doesn't need to be broken.

3. Standing in awe watching my brain adjust to deafness. It is INSANE how good God can be. In four and a half months, I have learned how to tolerate noisy/loud restaurants and settings, I have learned to be comfortable looking at total strangers and saying, "I'm sorry. Can you repeat yourself? I'm deaf in my left ear," my children have learned that if they really want my attention they need to approach me from the right, and I am still able to know fully and confidently that God is totally in charge here and this has happened for a reason. Also, the TransEar has come out with a new and improved model--the 380 H-F, "a major breakthrough in bone conduction technology." Although I have to wait until January to ensure that I'm really deaf for the rest of forever and God isn't going to show off with a miracle, I love the TransEar option. It's much better for my needs (and my stomach--I get literally nauseated just thinking about the BAHA--which stands for Bone Anchored Hearing Assistant). Here is what a BAHA implant looks like inside your brain (the white part is your skull--yes, your skull bone--they remove the hair follicles around the area permanently--about the size of a quarter--and if you have a weak stomach, stop reading and looking HERE!!):
Here is what the outside of your head looks like after they have inserted the titanium screw into your skull (I was told the screw would be above my ear):

And this is what the processor looks like when it's attached to the screw:
Here's a picture of the whole BAHA system:

I kind of wish I wasn't such a wuss, but my doctor in Houston said that he believes research is 5-10 years away from regenerating nerves with stem cells. And, the Transear will give me hearing. Maybe. It looks like this on a person and on a table (and this is not the new and improved sports car version):

So--now you know what options I've been exploring--or I can just spend the rest of my life saying, "huh??" No thank you!

4. Chasing after my two precious young'uns. They are both LOVING school and have the best teachers in the entire world--such a blessing for us. After creating two spelling tests of his own words (because hers weren't "hard" enough), Luke is now the recipient of his own personal spelling list at school. And his own personal spelling test. Because his teacher, "doesn't want him to be mad at me for not challenging him!" He's reading like a crazy man--loves non-fiction most of all. He also had his bottom two teeth pulled because the permanent ones were coming in behind--crazy! I swear the root of one of the teeth had to have gone to the child's chin. It was the nastiest thing I've ever seen. My favorite story from his school year involves a podcast. His teacher created one asking the kiddos, "What would you do if you were president?" on Election Day. My precious baby's response? "I woud stop all the hunters from shooting and killing animals." That's my boy! And he's growing up in the heart of killin country--I'm so proud!

Sistah is enjoying her school so much. According to her teacher, everyone just adores her and she is friends with everyone she meets. Of course, that's my dream for her life. Her little personality is really coming out and she it just a HOOT! What a blessing my babies are.

5. Looking at bridesmaid dresses and listening to my mom talk about my sister's amazing wedding. It is going to be an incredible event. My entire family is in the wedding party (husband and both kiddos). Baby girl and I are headed to Chicago in a couple of weekends (party time for the boys) to try on bridesmaid and flower girl dresses. I. can't. wait!

6. Working diligently on my Christmas card. It's going to be fabulous again! I LOVE Snapfish and their collage option--make my days happy! I'll be back much sooner with (hopefully) a much more interesting post!

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