Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ch ch ch ch ch changes . . . .

So many changes at once can't be good for the soul, but I am trying to hang in there. Of course, the obvious change is that school has started once again this year. I am now the mother to a 2nd grader and a 4 year old. I find that so very hard to believe!

With the school year finally under way, I decided that it was time to work on this old body once again. So, on Tuesday morning, my dutiful workout buddy (and former Miss Texas), Tara, and I decided to take on Elvis. Elvis has a reputation in Lufkin. A reputation for nearing killing you, but for getting unbelievable results. As a former NFL player, he knows how much a body can take, and he seems content to push his clients to the absolute limit. Our first day with him, we did 100 lunges with a bar across our shoulders, 100 squats, boxing, and then two ab exercises for, oh, 100 reps. Honest to God, I have NOT been able to get in and out of a chair, get in and out of bed, get in and out of my car, get in and out of the tub (where I've been trying to soak with Epsom salts), get up the stairs, etc. since Tuesday morning. I have NEVER been in so much pain. Ever. And I've tried a lot of trainers and techniques through the years. We returned this morning, and he decided to work upper body, since we were limping into the gym (seriously). So, we did 20 reps on a 5 circuit training regimen the first time through--then 30 reps the second time through. After that? More boxing. We did figure something out this morning, tho . . . there is a REAL difference if you are a left handed person trying to box like a right handed person. I was having the worst time--no coordination, no movement, no nothing. I was the whitest of white girls. Finally, I said, "Well, I've always been a little different--being left handed and all" "What? You're left handed? Why didn't you say so?" "Why didn't you ask?" Once I got the "stance" right, I was a boxing machine. Watch out, Lufkin--Miss Texas and I are coming for you! Of course, I probably won't be able to grocery shop for a month . . . .Oh! And I forgot to mention--I am now the proud owner of blue 16 oz. Everlast boxing gloves and black Century wraps. Who would have thought that the future President of the Junior League would get her jollies from beating the crap out of some little pads???
One of the most difficult changes for me emotionally has been my 2nd grader's new do. We went last Friday to get it cut, and my angel looked like this on the first day of school:
Here he is with his sister (who was so thrilled to have been awakened to bring brother to school)
He had complained all weekend long that he wanted his hair cut short. On Friday, he told his stylist to cut it short and I gave that the red light. After hearing him complain and complain and complain some more, I gave in. So, on Tuesday afterschool, my precious boy with the thickest, most gorgeous blonde hair in the world transformed from looking like the child who came out of my womb to this:
Here's a picture of the top, just in case you can't tell that my son is BALD now:
He came out of the WOMB with more blonde hair than this, people. It is just KILLING me!
Other changes: fall baseball for the first time, soccer for my daughter for the first time, my husband in school (and having study groups meet twice weekly online), and many, many more. I'll post more very soon--am going to need this as an outlet if I plan to survive the next two years!

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