Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh, happy day!

Oh, happy, happy, joyous day! This has been a WEEK! It's hard to remember the last time I was this ecsstatic to see Friday.

We received some fabulous news on Wednesday, March 1, at my weekly doctor's appointment. Sweet baby girl has TURNED and is no longer breech, so no c-section! Hooray, hooray! I am so proud of her for making the big move southward and to know that a c-section is not at least scheduled makes me feel sooooo much better.

Doc now wants to induce next Wednesday. I am protesting that with everything in me. I go back to him on Monday to see if I have progressed at all (which I hadn't on Wednesday) and he said we will discuss being induced then. I know he wants to induce because it is way easier on his schedule, the baby is a big, healthy girl, etc., but a huge part of me wants to let HER decide when she arrives in the world, rather than fit into his schedule. Yes, it would be easier to schedule and coordinate the children, etc. if she arrived next Wednesday, but to force her into the world before she's ready? I had a problem doing it with Lilly Grace (but bent to the pressure because of Christmas), and really don't want to do it this time around.

Went back to hospital for another flawless fetal stress test and then to Angelina College to get measurements. I got so tickled--to get the weight estimate, they have to take three measurements--the head circumference, the length of the femur, and the belly diameter. They tried THREE times to get her belly measurement, but she is now "out of range," on that. Like her momma! A big bellied gal! Based on the head and femur, they estimated 9 lbs. 9 oz., but Casey said the bigger the baby gets, the less accurate the estimates are, and without all three, it's pretty difficult to guesstimate. Casey couldn't imagine that baby girl had gained a pound in a week!

The other big huge sigh of relief comes from the fact that the AJLI President, Delly Beekman, has completed her Lufkin visit. She was in Lufkin from Tuesday night until Thursday morning visiting a community project; dining with actives, sustainers, and provisionals; leading a general meeting; and having breakfast with past Presidents. It was a wonderful visit, and I am so grateful that AJLI sent her, but it's a big relief to have that behind me and not have to think about Junior League until March 28th.

Kevin just headed to Dallas for the first of his three weekends in March. At the end of the last weekend in March, his trips to Dallas on the weekends for school are OVER! It will be a marvelous day for us all! Happy weekend!

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