Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Day that Changed . . .well . . .a lot

So now that I'm beyond 35 weeks, my doc has enforced weekly appointments, along with weekly non-stress fetal testing. Last week, at 36 weeks and 5 days, I went ahead and decided to donate my time and my baby's gorgeous body to the Angelina County sonography department one last time. The AC sonography students learn how to "do" an ultrasound by working on live bellies two afternoons a week. I have loved being a guinea pig and this was my fourth time to be up there for the fun.

Wednesday's doc appointment went as planned, except that I was expecting him to tell me SOMETHING was happening to indicate I was closer to labor and the only news he had to share was, "Well, man. I don't know where that baby's head is but she is way, way up there. She's nowhere near coming out at this point, Momma!" I was a little disappointed that no progress had been made, because starting on Monday, the 21st, I was feeling a little uncomfortable for the first time and I was SURE it had something to do with thinning out or dilating or something of the like.

Went to he hospital afterwards for my non-stress test. It went beautifully, as it had the week before. She was a busy girl during the test and her little heartbeat sounded like heaven. I am a huge fan of the test--it is such a soothing quiet time with little Miss. Oh, I also went ahead and paid for the delivery that morning at the hospital so that we would be "pre-paid" and I went to Dr. Kim Procell's office and turned in our paperwork and payment so that Baby Girl's pediatrician would be prepared for her arrival.

After leaving the hospital, I went to Angelina College for my ultrasound. Sweet Casey Davis, the program coordinator and lead teacher for sonography, is a friend of mine. I told her that Dr. Haskins wanted to get an approximate weight, if possible, so she insisted on doing it herself rather than leaving it to the students. We did have her students play for a while, and, of course, the baby pointed her left index finger (which she has done every ultrasounds--I consider it my gift from Granny B) and she also flashed a peace sign!

Casey was a little quiet, and then said, "Allyson, you do realize that her head is um, up here and her bottom is down there, right?" Um, no. Hadn't realized that. Had thought I was patting her precious little bottom right under my boobs and instead, it was her head! Baby Girl turned into a Frank Breech position sometime between weeks 31 and Wednesday, February 23. Well, I figured, she's got time to turn . . .this will be okay. Then Casey did the measurements to predict current weight. She did it the first time and said, "I think I'm going to do this again." I asked her what she came up with and she said, "I really don't want to scare you. Let me do it again." So she did. And the second time, the weight prediction came out a whopping 3 ounces lighter. The first time, baby girl measured at 8 pounds 12 ounces. The second time? 8 pounds 9 ounces.

So, the room went wild--everyone was so excited that she is already such a big girl, AND I have three weeks and two days to go until due date! I am soooo thankful that I know about Casey and the program!

I called Dr. Haskins as soon as I left to let him know that the reason he couldn't find the head was because she is BREECH! And, she weighs almost 9 pounds. I talked with his nurse, as he was in surgery. Thursday afternoon, February 24, he called me and told me that we needed to schedule a c-section on Wednesday, March 9--less than two weeks away. We will check again next week to ensure baby girl hasn't turned again and we'll check before surgery, but he feels that for her safety and mine, it will be best to release her into the world 9 days before she's due. He's too concerned about cord placement to try to turn her, and I agree with that one hundred percent. Oh, I forgot to mention that during the ultrasound, they all commented about how beautiful the cord is--it has "hardly any calcifications," which is rare at this stage of pregnancy!

So, my plan all along--which was to absolutely, positively, not know when she was coming and let her arrive at her own pace--has been changed significantly. My plan to have a third vaginal birth has been changed. And I'll be holding her in my arms in less than two weeks! It's hard to believe that she'll be here so soon, and we are now trying to figure out sleep arrangements, etc. for her because of the c-section. I actually bought a co-sleeper yesterday, based on Hilary Haglund's recommendation, because Hilary said that I'll be too sore and she'll be too heavy to lift for nursing the first few weeks, and I really, really don't want to give up nursing this baby girl. Another thing that has changed? My ability to sleep through the night! I've been up several hours a night since learning this news on Wednesday.

The good news is that God is in control. There is still a chance she could turn on her own. Millions of people have c-sections and I will be just fine, as will she. I'm going to see my baby girl soon!

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