Sunday, February 17, 2008

Too much time on her hands

Okay--if ever a woman was deserving of winning the prize for having too much free time on her hands, this is her--watch it and weep (but I don't expect you sit through the whole painful thing!) there. are. no. words.

Spectacular day today. The weather could not be any more beautiful--we have thrown open all the windows and are airing out the house, which is good, considering that my sweet hubby painted baby girl's room yesterday and today until her ran out of paint. Oh my--we may have a problem. I was gone yesterday while he painted the two coats on the two walls and let's just say that if I had been here, we wouldn't have gone further than half a wall before I screamed: "NO--WRONG COLOR! BAD PINK!" BUT, I wasn't home, so I'm going to try to figure out a way to live with it. . . .or cover it . . . .or something . . . . .

Poor baby girl wanted a hot pink room and I put my foot down. Her room would be soft pink--her bathroom could be hot pink. I wanted to avoid the Pepto look at all costs. So, we picked out what I thought was a gorgeous soft, sweet, little girl pink. After two coats . . . it looks like a cotton candy machine exploded in her room. Seriously.
She got her way after all! The honest truth is that when she walked in today after all four walls had been painted (although two with only one coat of paint), SHE STARTED CRYING. Not loud, bratty wails, but huge, salty, crocodile tears running down her cheeks. Genuine sad, remorseful, "Oh my God--what did I ask for and why did I really get it?" tears. I haven't had the heart to break it to Daddy yet, but we may be modifying the pink . . . .I'm going to try to live with it for a week . . .try . . .try . . .
P.S.--I couldn't live with it--and I learned how to paint a room for the FIRST TIME IN 35 YEARS! Here are pictures of evil pink (which, as you can see, photographs really well) and soft, precious "Charming Pink"--we love our Charming Pink room!

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