Saturday, February 19, 2011

36 weeks--the countdown is on!

Yesterday, I was 36 weeks pregnant. Big, huge sigh of relief. If baby girl decides to arrive at any point now, she will be safe, she will be developed, and she will be ready to face the world. I have always (despite two previous pregnancies) thought that 40 weeks was full-term, but read yesterday on that full-term is any delivery weeks 37-42. I am so grateful that we have made it this far, and hope for a few more weeks with this precious one in my belly.

I started weekly doctor's appointments on Wednesday, and because of my "elderly" status as a Mom, Dr. Haskins has ordered weekly fetal non-stress tests at the hospital, as well--just to ensure that she isn't in any distress. Two days before I was 35 weeks, I had a little "leakage," and I think it freaked him out a bit. Praise God that it wasn't amniotic fluid and that she was safely enclosed in her little world.

My first non-stress test was on Wednesday, February 16, the same day we pre-registered at the hospital and signed up for our payment plan. I was completely shocked at the cost of having a baby/staying in the hospital. For a regular, normal, uncomplicated delivery that includes 48 hours in the hospital and care of both baby and mom, they charge $2500 if you are paying out of pocket. For some reason, I was expecting it to be much more. Of course, that's not the only expenses--we have already paid the doctor upfront, paid for the epidural ($750--and worth EVERY single penny), paid for the Level III ultrasound in the Woodlands, and now we get to pay for these weekly non-stress tests, which are $178 a pop and scheduled for 5 weeks. Anyway, it's good to know that whenever she decides to join us, all the paperwork and negotiating is out of the way and we can get straight to the epidural!

I liked the whole non-stress test experience. You have to go to LDR and lay down on two gauze strips, which they "button" around you with monitors. Then, you hold a "clicker" and every time you feel the baby move, you punch the button on the cicker. Once mom is hooked up, all I had to do was stay still and click away. It was so peaceful to have 25 minutes of just listening to her heartbeat and nothing else. The sweet, Barbie-looking, 22 (at the most) year old nurse handed me the remote to the television, but I really wasn't in the mood for any noise at all. I loved being in an LDR room and NOT being in labor, too. I hope that I'll get to take all of the stress tests--he has me scheduled for them up until 2 days before due date. It is just a peaceful bonding experience that I didn't get to have with my other two--so an advantage of an "advanced maternal age" pregnancy I hadn't planned on!

We are still waiting on her bedding to come in and her changing station to be completed, so her nursery is still functioning as a guest bedroom. It's a good thing, because the guest bedroom currently houses the only working downstairs television. Our TV in the great room decided to retire the Friday of SuperBowl weekend, and I asked Kevin to wait until April to replace it, as that is when you can get the best deal on a new television. We have had some major family bonding time in the "sunshine room," (named by the kids because of the yellow walls painted in there November 2009) watching movies and snuggling up on the bed. Until baby girl's "things" arrive, I just hate to give it up!

I did wash some of her clothes last Sunday. Oh, how I had forgotten about the heavenly scent of Dreft. There is no sweeter smell in the world and sniffing it just made it all the more real that a precious little yummy smelling girl would be arriving soon.

Everyone asks if I think she's coming early. I honestly don't have any idea. She is staying busy, busy in utero, which is supposed to indicate that she's happy and staying for a while. She has descended somewhat, as there is constant pressure on my "nether regions," but based on all of her movement, I think we're still a ways away from meeting her. I love this part of pregnancy where you can see visible body parts floating across the abdomen, watch as she has hiccups, and really feel that body when you pat the belly. This pregnancy has been just awesome and I couldn't feel more blessed!

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