Saturday, July 12, 2008

Good News

Okay--so yesterday morning, I played my favorite phone game (that started Tuesday morning) and called the lovely time and temperature lady to see if I could hear anything but tinfoil crunching. And guess what? I heard intonations in her voice! I couldn't make out all of the words, but could make out most of them (probably because they are memorized??) and it was such a positive thing that I just started screaming and praising God. So. . . there's progress!

Later on in the day, I made my precious Mom talk into the left ear and was able to repeat verbatim what she said. Hallelujah! All this with just one steroid injection and mounds of prayer--imagine what two more injections and a team of prayer warriors will do!

My friends have been amazing--such sweet emails, calls, one even prayed for me over the phone, which was completely incredible and so powerful--she will never know. I have faith that a full recovery will be happening and can't wait to share this story with people--God is so good.

The ear is still buzzing like CRAZY, but I know that will improve with time. The kids thought it was fabulous yesterday outside of Target when an evenly timed beep went off about every four seconds in my head. I felt like I was picking up their radar signal or something--it was BIZARRE! Once we drove out of the parking lot and across the loop, the beeping stopped. They must have a high frequency transmitter or something . . .

Everything is coming together for our mini-vacation in Dallas--it'll be such fun. My sister-in-law is taking off work on Tuesday to watch the kids during my appointment, on Wednesday, we are going to PLAY, and on Thursday, Alison Nutting and her kiddos will be with mine during my appointment. God is really showing off with this, and I couldn't be happier!

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