Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Magic in Dallas!

Whew! My second shot is behind me--praise God! I received the shot at 2:40--so much for a 1:00 appointment today. So thankful that kids were with Aunt KK who is a wonderful, fun, and loving babysitter. They had a BLAST painting, swimming, and playing and I didn't have a moment's worry.

Funny story from the shot experience today--within 5 seconds of Dr. Owens putting it in my ear, my phone rang. I answered it immediately and it was my precious baby sister, Ashley. She said, "How are you?" I answered honestly, "Not so good--kind of dizzy and spinny right now. I'll balance out in the minute." (The first minute after the shot throws you for A LOOP--like you've had about 30 cocktails in a 30 minute period--then it settles down.) After we talked about 45 seconds more, I told her that I was terribly uncomfortable beause they forgot to bring me a pillow and that I was going to call the front desk to have someone bring me a pillow for my one hour on the same side sit.

I immediately called the front desk and told them that I was a patient in a room and that they were going to have to bring a pillow if they wanted me conscious in an hour--my head was placed below my neck and it was not so very comfortable. They immediately came with a pillow. As this was going on, my precious sister called my mom, worried sick. She told mom that I wasn't feeling good and that I was dizzy and nauseated (Which I was the first minute after shot). So Mom, who was shopping in Chicago with a precious family friend, immediately sprang to action. She called 411, got Dr. Owens number, called their front desk, and told them to tend to me immediately! The nurses sprang to action and came running in the room, "Are you sick?? Are you puking?? Your mom just called and said you are feeling awful!" That Mom of mine, she can get things hopping, even from 1000+ miles away. Cracked me up!

The kids and I went to dinner at Asado's and it was Kid's Night--Mark the Magician was there and "Kids Eat Free!" Mark was a HUGE hit--made baby girl a flower balloon and baby boy a bow and two balloon arrows. The kids had a BLAST. We didn't make out on the kids eat free thing, as my children wanted only one thing for dinner: queso and tortillas. I'm raising them right, I tell you. Since we're on vacation, it was acceptable. We are excited for a fun and fantastic day tomorrow! Moved my Thursday appointment up to 10 a.m. to assure that I get the "luxury suite" room I had last Thursday (pillow included without call) and that we get on the road sooner than later! The prayers are working and I'm going to be hearing again soon--I just know it!

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