Monday, July 14, 2008

When It Rains . . .

It really, really pours. I went to work today so that I wouldn't feel so guilty about picking up my paycheck at the end of the week, so I left the kiddos with a babysitter. When I called in the afternoon, they sounded GREAT--energetic, happy, having a BALL. When I arrived home just a few short hours later, Sis was sleeping--out cold sleeping--moved her to a new location and put on a diaper and she didn't move sleeping--and hot. Brother--he looked "off"--and he is. He's running a fever of 101, my friends, and he is now soundly sleeping. So, God has given me this gift--two children sleeping at 6 in the evening when I should be packing and getting ready for tomorrow's early departure. But you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to bed. Because, dadgummit--when they both wake up at 9 ready to party, I'm going to be ready to pass out if I don't. Of course, an enormous thunderstorm has just moved in--it's solid rain outside right now, so that makes the sleep option even more inviting. Lord, watch over and protect these babies--please keep them safe and all of us safe on the road to Dallas. I'd give anything to re-schedule the trip, but the shots have to happen within ten days and this is my only opportunity. Yes, Granny B, I'm trying to stay strong . . . .

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